Cannabis Industry Solutions

Cannabis Security

With legalization comes regulation, oversight, and governance which can catch anyone off guard. CMS can supply the security and networking to help all aspects of your business. From Manufacturing, cultivating, logistics, retail, and inventory control, the technology we deliver helps to meet and exceed state regulations.

Panic Buttons for your employees


Whether in the form of  an active shooter, or medical emergency, proper planning and proactive safety protocols can help prevent further damage. CMS can equip your staff with panic buttons to get help when and where it’s needed. And with an access control system with a building lockdown feature is a smart way to prepare for emergencies.


Access Control

Anytime. Anywhere. Any Device.

One App = Complete Control

The platform delivers a unified experience no matter what device you are managing your system from. is the easiest to use, fully integrated access platform. Effortless cloud management delivers a better experience and improves productivity. Regardless of the system size, and scales to your needs making access management easier than ever.

Our mobile-first platform was founded on the principle of simplicity without compromise. We engineered an entirely cloud-based access control platform that’s easily configured and managed from any mobile device.

  • Receive and accept mobile credentials.
  • Unlock doors using your phone as a credential.
  • Remotely unlock doors from your app.

Physical Security as a Service - PSaaS

Custom Engineered security solutions

PSaaS lowers the costs of your vital physical security needs. CMS combines security cameras, access control, panic buttons, emergency notification systems, and a first responder interoperable communications system, into a low monthly service offering. No other PSaaS solution has a combination of services and technology like CMS. We can deliver all our services over a secure, zero-trust network.

Let CMS help you with your Dispensary Security Plan

Contact us to discuss the most important components of any retail shop security plan.